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Information Gay bashing

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Post subject: Gay bashing Reply with quote  

Salam all

On another web site, someone raised a thread that have aname like I was bashed by Muslims, the thread took my attention and I decided to read it, here it is:

Someone said on another web site, I will use the name UB40 for him:

Hi you all, I haven't posted here in a while because of something that occurred in my life recently....

I live in Lebanon, which is slowly moving in the right direction in terms of homosexuality, we are slightly being accepted by the general Lebanese community in the big cities like Beirut. However there are still extremists in this country (especially in the more rural Muslim parts) which feel they are not only allowed but obliged to treat us homosexuals like filth.

Me and my boyfriend were out one night at a club which is infamously known as a club which attracts a lot of Gays, now after that he had to depart, I was walking in the big city basically alone (or so I thought) looking for a taxi, it was around 3 am when all of a sudden these two men, who look in their 20's, jumped me and threw me to the ground, they started calling me a "disgusting Gay", that "Allah will punish me", that "I'm gonna burn in hell" and so on, they also proceeded to bash me on the streets, I started yelling for help but no body came.

I wound up with a bruised eye and a broken arm (it took me a while to even write this), I had to take time off university and I'm basically scared to go out alone anymore, whether day or night. So it wasn't only a physical attack I had to endure but a psychological attack too. I reported the incident to the police, but they told me "not to act like a Gay and I won't get treated like that" (by the way sodomy is still technically illegal in this country with a payable fine and even up to one year Jail time. Though I had told the police I am not Gay and that they jumped me for no reason).

But I don't want sympathy out of this, all I want to do is showcase to people that some Muslims are good but some aren't, and ones who are good have either left their religion behind or don't know enough sufficient information about it. The ones who do bad (like the people who attacked me) know the true Islam, they are the true Muslims, they're following what their evil prophet did 1600 years ago, they want tolerance of their own religion and people but can't stand diversity, they reek of hypocrisy and are all ignorant fools.

I'm not saying that about Muslims because I'm fueled with anger and hatred towards Muslims, no I'm not, some Muslims are great people but I'm only saying the truth: the Muslims who follow their religion well are the evil ones.

As you can see, some shit happened to mister UB40 and as a typical kafir bound to hell, he blames Islam and Muslims for it, and after seeing some freaks of wolves in sheep cloth taking the chance to further link gay bashing to Islam, therefore I decided to reply hard to that one:

but let me show you a couple of quotes by some of those freaks who replied to the above weired thread by a queer:

Freak # 1 wrote:
Welcome back UB40. Sorry to read about your "accident". The problem with those kind of attacks is not only the physical injury, but also the harm done to the soul. They are part of the terror directed against people like you. I understand you attend university. My advice to you would be to get an education and then get out of the country. The West is screaming for educated and qualified people and I seriously doubt you, a homosexual, will ever get a chance to use your talents in a Muslim country.

Freak # 2 wrote:
Dear UB40, I am very sorry to hear about this. I am shocked and angry at those bastards. I hope you are feeling a little better now. Here in the Netherlands we are currently experiencing the same thing: homosexual men are beaten up in Amsterdam by groups of angry young men from Muslims countries. It's this kind of vile and violent bigotry against Jews, homosexuals, intellectuals, women and pretty much all 'outsiders' that makes Islam such a dislikeable religion.

Freak # 3 wrote:
I don't get it... you said "allah will punish you"... but you still beat the person up.... Surprisedh my: Surprisedh my: bad muslims...

Freak # 4 wrote:
I too am really sorry for you. Please stay lowkey til you can get out of Lebanon, they might very well kill you. You know very well how Muslims are, they turn everything around-they think killing is good and showing mercy is wrong. The real Muslims have absolutely no qualms against murder if they can find an excuse to do it (and boy oh boy are they always finding excuses!) Learn some martial arts, hold yourself high and try to show no fear-predators like those morons feed on fear. And, most of all, don't be out at night alone!!!!!!!!


So I decided to make a serious of quick comments:

My reply to UB40:

Hello mister fabulous Queer

well, it seems you are a confused queer

gay bashing is a crime around the whole globe especially the western countries you confused, it has nothing to do with islam you freak

would you like to see some data to refresh your pinhead, and I mean the head of your face not the head of your ....

you know all queers worship dicks


My reply to Freak # 1:


are they get beaten up by Muslims only or by others faiths as well?


then I decided to just post generally to all of them:

Hey confused and manipulated boys and girls, I will prove to you yet again that you are a bunch of freaks who want to blame Islam for every fukin shit happens in life

that is the attitude of filthy kafirs bound to hell btw, so I;m not surprised but that won't stop me from exposing your freakish attitude towards islam


Is gay bashing on the rise in western countries? Opps, looks like it, it seems mister UB40 have no where to go on earth:

Gay Bashing on the Rise?

A few weeks ago I was sitting with a troup of friends upstairs at Pearls when the subject turned to harassment and violence. I shared with this group of friends that I had become aware, over the course of the last year or so, of an increased feeling of anxiety when I would be walking around in downtown Burlington. I felt that I had to be more "on guard." Was this just my own paranoia or was something changing? Several of the friends that I was speaking with shared similar feelings and began to relay incidents of harassment and violence that they had either directly experienced or heard about through the grapevine. As we were sitting talking, four different automobiles drove by and people in their cars yelled taunts at people coming in or out of the bar.

A few nights later a group of six young men stood outside of Pearls yelling anti-gay slurs at people entering and leaving. Two of them finally forced their way into the bar and began attacking people. The police were called and one of these young men was issued a citation for property damage. Later that evening the same group of young men attacked a bar employee whom they recognized on the street.

So what the hell is going on? In a recent survey by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) it was reported that over 95% of gay men and 90% of lesbians in their random survey had reported being victimized because of their sexual orientation. Victimization included anything from beating to threats of being spit at or chased. Almost 35% of the men and 16% of the women reported having objects thrown at them. Nearly 30% of the men and 10% of the women had been hit, kicked or beaten.

During the month of September the Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Alliance at UVM experienced anonymous anti-gay harassment. Three of the organizations posters were defaced with anti-gay slogans. One said, "God Hates You," another "Stop AIDS Kill Gays" and the third was marked with a black swastika.

UVM has had problems in the past with anit-gay harassment occurring on campus. Posters have been torn down or defaced and fraternities have blatantly displayed vehicles with "Kill Queers" spray painted on them.

The GLBA brought the most recent acts of harassment to the attention of the Dean of Students at the University of Vermont. Discrimination against lesbian and gay UVM students, staff and faculty is in violation of University policy. The Dean of Students, Narabeth Emmanuel could not be reached for comment by the time this paper went to press.

The GLBA is an organization that serves as an educational/awareness group as well as a support group. The GLBA and its members are committed to making the University of Vermont a more friendly place for lesbians and gay men. Members of the GLBA hope that the homophobic events will make lesbians and gay men on campus come out and stand up for their rights.

These statistics are somewhat higher than those revealed by the Vermont survey conducted by the Vermonters for Lesbian and Gay Rights (VLGR) in early 1987. Eighty percent of respondents to this survey reported having experienced some kind of harassment or violence due to their sexual orientation. The survey further revealed the following: 32% of respondents had been chased or followed, 21% had had objects thrown at them, 19% had had property vandalized or destroyed by fire and 16% had been punched, hit, kicked, or beaten. Further, 81% had been called anti-lesbian/gay names and 36% had been threatened by physical violence. I know these statistics are not new, but they tell a story that deserves retelling. Even the President's Commission on Hate Crimes concluded that lesbians and gay men were the group most likely to experience hate-motivated crime. The question is; is an already intolerable situation getting even worse? Nationally, the answer is yes. NGLTF statistics reveal that reports of harassment and violence have increased nearly 250% in the past few years. Are we just reporting more or are we having more to report? Probably both.

So the question that emerges is "what should be done about this?" Jim Morgan of the Vermont Human Rights Commission recommended that people "write or call the Attorney General's office and ask for a civil rights investigator to report incidents of harassment, violence or discrimination." He further recommended "that a written copy of the complaint be sent to the Vermont Coalition of Lesbian and Gay Men" (address on VT resources page).

Ahmed says:

if your life style is causing you to have no where on earth to feel safe, why not considering to change this life style and get into women?, try it, I'm sure you will like it, you can ask her to finger you if that makes you orgasm, (I don't do that btw, it's filth), also if the God exists and it is true what He told us in the Bible and the Quran regarding the queers then gettin into women will be a double bonus for you, don't you reckon?

unless banging someone in the ass or gettin banged in the ass is so enjoyable that you just can't let it go even by risking being barbecued in hell as the Bible and the Quran claim so



Here is a nice blog that I found with ease, see manipulated boys and girls, I have to keep educating you, that is also part of exosing you, i.e. your hatred against Islam and Muslims will be proved on this web site if you continue to spew your BS and link gay bashing to Islam and Musims you freaks, in fact to be gay under Islam is far better than being gay under Christianity, this is because Islam recognises that they are sick and need to be hepled and treated therefore it only punish them with some harm, like a prison sentence, in egypt for example, the queers are jailed for 3 months, which is the closest you can get to the Quran punishment to the queers, however the egyptian law makers still implement the Quran law wrong, they must help those sick people to repent by isolating them from inmates behind bars until they repent, it is not like we will send them to Thailans red district in jail, you know someone like me who is straight will be happy to spend 3 months in a women jail, sounds like Aropa island to me, now the Quran tells us clearly that if the queers repent then we let them go in peace and never punish them again, unlike the bible which does not give them a chance to repent, according to the OT, if you are a queer and get caught then you must be killed :

The Hypocrisy and Inconsistency of Gay Bashing, case #453134

I do not know who Josie Smith-Malave is, apparently she is a contestant in Bravo?????????????????????¢??s reality show, Top Chef.

Josie is a lesbian, and according to this story (?????????????????????¢??Top Chef gay-bash victim describes mob?????????????????????¢??s rage?????????????????????¢??????????????????????), she along with her sister and another woman were beaten by an angry mob of teenagers. The reason? Because they are lesbian (well her sister isn?????????????????????¢??t). I must resist the temptation to dwell on the fact that this intolerable act took place in a blue state.

We have discussed (at length) the truth that homosexuality is a deviation from normal sexual behavior. More to the point, it is condemned in God?????????????????????¢??s Word (Old and New Testaments), any objection to this by well-intentioned people is nothing more than wishful thinking and a crusade to justify the unjustifiable, not to mention something which requires some exegetical acrobatics.

That being said, the route which these 12 teenagers chose to go is also condemned in Scripture, for Jesus commands us ?????????????????????¢??love your neighbor as yourself?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? and it is difficult to see how beating someone up can be categorized as ?????????????????????¢??love?????????????????????¢??????????????????????.

It would be refreshing to see folks who vehemently speak out against homosexuality stand up and equally speak out against other violations of God?????????????????????¢??s decrees.

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. ?????????????????????¢?? 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Seeming how this attack took place outside of a bar I wonder if these 12 people also beat up on drunks exiting the bar? Perhaps they singled out a couple heading home for a one night of fornication and beat them up as well?

Of course not, these 2 transgressions hit a bit too close to home, and as far as humans are concerned, we tend to overlook our own sins and point out the ones of others, especially those sins which are more external in their manifestation and which we are not particularly vulnerable to.

Hence the hypocrisy and inconsistency of gay bashing, case#453431.


and that was it, I hope you enjoyed reading it


Post Posted:
Sat 03 Nov, 2007 9:49 am
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It is not the mm or ff problem, they must have exisited from beginning. It is the exposure to sex in public, internet for example. If mf becomes moderate and tv has porn to level of 1960s, my guess mm, ff will go behind doors. There are groups of mf people who like to live naked in towns, arent they worse than the mm & ff ? It is the cultural and system which seem loosing control. Nowadays people have no shame. Why? Because we are loosing family values & cultures.

I was thinking the otherday, if this trend of mm & ff contiunes, there will be 2 other type of ppl on earth, than only mf. Satan living best times of his life, bastard!.
Post Posted:
Sat 03 Nov, 2007 7:31 pm
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Hello all

here is an update

a couple of freaks started attacking me on that thread, one of them called Nymph, so I made a movie for him, yet they went and cired for the Mods and guess what the Mmods deleted the thread, glad I have a copy of it in here, see how they wanted to blame gay bashing on Islam and Muslims but sure after exposing their lies they had no option but to delete, well they might have deleted it because it is stupid of a queer to come and cri for them that he was bashed:

here is the movie I made:

Filthy Nymph Debut Movie


Post Posted:
Sun 04 Nov, 2007 10:04 pm
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Age: 59
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Hello all

just in cae they delete theor cries on the Ms forum,

here is my reply to them:

Here we go, the thread has been deleted

are you happy now wiking?

it is a shame that it was deleted, I was 100% serious about this thread, and I am against gay bashing, my problem with it though that he comes here blaming Islam and Muslim for his bashing, not blaming the human crime that is rooted everywhere in the bloody world, so what i did I cared less about him really, he was considered a crying manipulator who wants to blame others for his own problems, well his own security is his own problem, I won't walk at bloody 3 am in the morning in Harlm street in manhatten and I know that many won't, well I did once in brooklyn, and stopped with my limo that I was driving at 2AM in the morning to buy a drink from a shop, and when I came out of the shop there was a black guy with a gun in his hand pointed to my head.

whom I should bloody blame here, the fuked up black guy or the stupid me who stopped in his car and stepped out of its security to buy a drink at 2 am from a brooklyn store?

I guess the Ms may have deleted it because it is inapproriate to have such rants on this web site, however if you still want to read the thread which I agree I was very aggressive in it, you can read it in here:


Post Posted:
Sun 04 Nov, 2007 10:22 pm
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